Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Metro Says Water OK For Next Day

Well it looks like Summer is back with a vengeance. With temperatures reaching the mid-to-upper 90's and the heat index going into the 100-105 range, today was probably a good day to either stay inside, or go to a pool, assuming it wasn’t vandalized by marauding youths.

In response to this unbearable weather,  Metro has decided to allow passengers to carry and consume water for today and Thursday.

Smart move Metro!  But here is my question. How many people actually get ticketed for violating Metro’s prohibition on food and drink on the system? I’ve only seen a few violators so my guess would be that there is some kind of enforcement mechanism. 

And another question. Why prohibit water to begin with? Doesn’t the simple fact that all humans need water to survive necessitate a more flexible policy on the Metro system?

 I think that allowing passengers to bring water on the system year round, or at least for the rest of the Summer would make a lot more sense than trying to ease up on restrictions every time we have a hot day. So long as water is in a sealed container, the risks of a spill are really minimal.

What do you all think? I'll be posting a poll later to gauge opinion on this topic.

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