Tuesday, October 23, 2012

News Roundup


In an upsetting development,The Fairfax City Patch (10/22) reported that several local area restaurants were cited for critical health violations by the Virginia Department of health.  Topping the list of area restaurants were Pho Deluxe with seven critical violations, Bonchon Chicken, with five critical violations, and Willow Wood Café, with three critical violations.  The Virginia Health Department defines critical violations as conditions that may lead to food contamination, illness, or environmental degradation.

So the lesson learned is, think twice before you eat Chinese food!

Side Note: For those of you who drink, Fast Eddy’s was also spotted on the list, though all violations were non-critical.

Voter Fraud In Virginia?
In political news, WTOP (10/23) reports that three Virginia Congressmen are calling for a Justice Department Investigation into a company accused of throwing out voter registration forms.  The three Congressmen, Gerry Connolly (D), Jim Moran (D), and Bobby Scott (D) say that the arrest of a man who worked for the company in Pennsylvania would justify an investigation. 
The company in question is Pinpoint, a subsidiary of Strategic Allied Consulting, which was hired by the Republican National Committee to assist in voter registration efforts. 

Meanwhile. Virginia’s attorney general, who is a Republican, has stated that he would only be able to launch an investigation if requested by the State’s election board.

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