Wednesday, July 11, 2012

NOVAGEDDON: The Aftermath

Normally I try to make my posts amusing, but when it comes to the total breakdown of our 911 system after the “Derecho” mega-storm, there really is no way to be funny. Instead, I’ll have to settle for some outrage tinged with a bit of sarcasm. [Thanks Verizon! You did a great job with this whole storm thing, but next time can we keep our 911?]

Now our government is responding to the aftermath with decisive and bold ideas to make sure that when it happens again, we'll be ready.
Supervisor Gerry Hyland (D-Mount Vernon) was quoted in the Fairfax Times as saying, “The best possible reaction you have when you have no communication is … to have someone on the street to knock on doors.”

Excellent point Mr. Hyland. But if we are planning to go down that road, why don’t we start training every citizen to handle law-enforcement, fire, and medical emergencies?

Better yet, if we could just get Dominion to start training average citizens to make repairs on the electrical grid, we’d never have to wait for power again! Come on, how hard can it be right?

In all seriousness though, our government is taking this stuff really seriously [really?] Gov. McDonnell (R) has created a subcommittee to study this issue and Springfield District Supervisor Pat Herrity (R) will serve on it.

So the next time NOVAGEDDON happens, you can be assured, your government will be working hard at studying the issue.

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