There are always winners and losers in every fiscal year, and this year was certainly no exception for Fairfax County. According to the Fairfax Times, the County’s housing programs are being hit the hardest, with 6% budget cuts going into effect for the new fiscal year. The Housing Choice Voucher program, administered by the Fairfax County Department of Housing and Community Development was specifically mentioned in the article as one of the programs that will be rolled back in the year ahead. Under the program, participants put 30% of their income toward rent and receive a voucher from the County to pay for the rest of the rent money due. As a result of these budget cuts, as many as 200 households who currently have subsidies from the program could see their vouchers disappear.
It looks like it could be tough times ahead for Fairfax County residents. Is this the beginning of the end of our prosperous existence?