With the sequester upon us, Fairfax County is gearing up for tough times ahead. According to the Washington Post, Fairfax County executive Ed Long has proposed a budget that would keep spending levels at current levels while increasing property taxes by around $260 for the average household.
All and all that is good news for the residents of the County, particularly its employees. It also was a lot worse than what was anticipated after Long asked the heads of all agencies to prepare for budget cuts of up to 5% in anticipation of the sequester.
That said, Long has proposed eliminating employee pay raises for the times being, a big blow to County employees. Long also plans to accomplish modest cuts this year by eliminating some 91 county jobs, 79 of which are already vacant.
Of course, this is only a proposed budget at this point. The Board of Supervisors will vote to approve the final County budget for the next fiscal year on April 30th.