Stink Bugs, The Menace Continues
According to a report from Fairfax City Patch, stink bugs are starting to make their seasonal migration from the outdoors to the inside of your home. While the insects are not considered to be a threat to the home, they are most certainly very annoying. Fortunately however, they do not bite or transmit diseases.
Occupy What? Protest May Cause Traffic Delays
WTOP reports that Occupy Wall Street is planning another protest for 11:30am. The organization is calling the event “Occupy K Street” in reference to a part of the city that is host to numerous lobbying organizations and is regularly derided by populist groups. According to the news agency, the planned protest could lead to further traffic problems in the area.
At least the protestors decided to not to have their event at 8:00 AM. If that happened I don’t think there would be enough Police to protect the protestors from the hordes of angry commuters that would be descending on them.
Side Note: For some reason the press never misses a chance to give the Occupy movement free advertising even though their numbers and organization have been significantly lacking of late. Aren’t there any other civic protests and demonstrations worth covering?